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COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Preparation for People Living with Chronic Illnesses in the U.S.

Wisdom from the frontlines: a bonus episode of Healing Justice Podcast on our webinar! 

This past weekend, we partnered with Healing Justice Podcast and others on our interactive webinar for hundreds of people. And now it's a podcast episode about Coronavirus preparedness from a social justice lens.

In this episode, transcript & corresponding resource list, we bring you medical information, invocations, grounding practices, and poetry. Unlike much of what we’re seeing in the media and public discussion, the conversation centered the wisdom and life experiences of people who live with chronic illnesses and disability.

Check out the episode, transcript & resource list

We reject xenophobia and anti-Asian racism. We take the health concerns seriously. We reject media overwhelm and diffuse panic. We share our wisdom about how to protect ourselves and care for each other, including our neighbors with higher risks of infection, isolation or increased suffering.

We hold each other in interdependence, as our community embraces herbal remedies, Clorox, western medicineanarchist DIY brilliance, and poetry.

On this episode, you’ll hear:

Please share this resource by forwarding this email and sharing these posts on InstagramFacebook, and Twitter. 

Help those who need it most to find it. All resources, links to listen, and the transcript are at

Thanks for breathing and preparing your way through this with us.

In solidarity,

💜  Kate Werning, Healing Justice Podcast & JD, The Cranky Queer Guide to Chronic Illness

If you can, please donate to our GoFundMe
funding campaign -- or share with others!

You can also contact us about
organizational sponsorship,
tax-exempt contributions and more options!

Frequently Asked Questions - With Answers!

Q: When will you share the full recording / transcript from the webinar?

A: As soon as we can. Probably tomorrow (Wednesday) or the day after. And you can get the slides here and our resource folder here, right now! We'll also share a full questions and wisdom compiled from the slides, the registration form, and the chatroom!

Q: How are people keeping in touch?
A: Some people who participated in the webinar started this Slack channel, and we're also looking at how to host discussion on additional and moderated platforms. If you know people who want to join our network, please send them to this form.

Q: What are you doing next? 
A: We are debriefing from the webinar and looking at next phase of what to do. Probably more webinars, at least, plus other ways to support connection between us. We'll continue to put resources in our resource folder. Please contact us to share any you are finding useful.  And check out below for info on PeoplesHub's upcoming Community Care Clinics!

COMING UP from PeoplesHub:

Community Care Clinic for Disabled and Chronically ill Movement Folks

If you identify as a disabled and/or chronically ill and consider yourself to be a movement or social justice warrior who believes in disability justice-- please join us in creating this community care peer support space!!

There is a particular reality about what it means to be a social justice warrior and be disabled.  

In this clinic space we will ask/answer questions such as: 

  • What does it mean in our activism, in our movements, in our work and in our communities to be all in? 

  • What sacrifices are inherent, what do we gain, what do we give up and what is expected of us? 

  • Am I worthy, do I have the ability to be in the movement, do I have a place here? 

The support groups at home are often not good enough because many people do not travel or have access to places of expanded possibility. In this clinic space, we are cultivating support, a place where multiple realities can exist at the same time. Where one can be active in the world and hold the truth that things must shift and at times slow all the way down due to a flare up, a virus, or something else. This will be a co-created space where we are offering each other peer support, restoration of the spirit and ways we can move forward.  

Save the Date for PeoplesHub Community Care Clinics -- and sign up for our newsletter to be informed: