
JD Davids, cranky queer, is available to facilitate processes, lead workshops and conduct rituals of rest, creation, and connection.

Workshop ideas include:

  • Learning from HIV Activism to Fight Our Challenges Today

  • Mapping Our Bodies to Anchoring Our Strengths and Stories

  • Attention/Intention/Invention: Cultivating Digital Boundaries and Conjuring Our Dreams

  • Using Emergent Strategies for Living with Chronic Illness

  • Building a Movement of Illders

  • Communication Strategies for Health Justice

  • and more! Let’s talk about what works best for your group, organization or gathering!

JD Davids is a creator, ritualist, and facilitator, movement organizer, and communicator. As a conductor of words, wizard of co-creation, cultivator of pleasures and trickster of time and process, he creates celebratory and interpersonal rituals of daily life that support his journey as a transgender queer person living with multiple chronic illness. A practitioner of emergent strategies and open source facilitation, JD has seen how collective encounters unlock potential we can not envision in our individual lives, and delights in creating and sharing space for transformation and healing.